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Sunday, May 10, 2015

[WIP] HS - Button Tights Set

Hello folks,

At long last, I've stole some time to do what I love, modding. This set is a something I've considered making a while ago. The set itself is highly inspired by one of my prior mods, the Workin It Set and from a conversion that my mod partner, Kosu has converted to the Sui-Cup body. This set is to be considered my first set trying a completely new texturing technique. One that I must confess has potential but one that I will have to work on. 

I will confess in advanced, that this set is not what I'd consider to be my best set but it is a good looking set considering that it's been my 2nd set in about a year :(. (This is shown in the shoes as they look rather blocky and not greatly textured.

The mod itself has been created for both the SuiCup and the SuiGuts body. I am often saving the popular FCPA body for last. Generally, this is because it's not hard at all but it's 10x easier to convert the SuiCup and SuiGuts together as their body structures are more or less the same. Also, because the SuiCup lower body doubles as the FCPA lower body - female variant, there's not need to rush it.

Sad note is that I am going to ween back into the TS version slowly as doing the TS version is not hard, but I want to work on making the bulge weights better and also considering adding a semi erect penis that curves to the side like the one in the below picture. -This is what my friend, Kosu converted for me :).

But we'll see, I know that the Curled Penis is very popular and I've even seen other modders take that route on some of this TS clothing mods, I'll probably go with that and consider the slightly erect penis mod making an occasional appearance but no promises. I am going to ease up on those because last time I made too many of those and actually found myself constantly behind, even though at the time I had about 12+ hours a day guaranteed to me to mod. Now a days, I only have 2ish a week if lucky and sometimes I squeeze whatever time I can get to mod.  None the less, more about the set.

The SuiCup Version (Captions are in the SuiGuts section)

Sui Guts Version


The set itself is cute and looks great when all in one piece. This set is a nice spring set and kind of inspires me to make more spring like clothing. I don't think I've ever done a slutty summer dress - something I'll have to keep in mind.

 The shoes in this picture is slightly fixed compared to the ones shown in the SuiCup version. I'll probably re do the mapping for the shoes and either add more to the base shoe and fix the front platform of the heal to have a better more contiguous mapping. These shoes are the first shoes in a very long time. With the exception of the Dragon Heels (my first closed toe heals).

 If I am not lazy, I will add a little simple button to this shoe too. I typically try not to deviate too much from the mods I make once I share pictures as I feel putting 8+ additional hours into the same mesh, I might as well make a new one.
 The pants are nice and I love the silver buttons lined through the front. It'll look great on a TS when it's made. I'll have to find a way to make it look really nice and realistic. More on that when the time is right. I also broke a rule that I was reluctant to do in the past; I've cut the body out of the pants, so don't expect a transparent version. I've noticed that this not only saves space on the mod but it also saves you from clipping; making for a much better mesh over all. These tights don't have the same weird stretching to the side issue that the Workit Tights had. But we'll see what happens when I make a Transsexual version.
 I might cut the leg mesh a little more but I am rather reluctant because it bothers me enough as it is that when the camera accidentally zooms into my character's body, you can just see her tights inside but nothing more. The last thing I want is being able to see the nothingness that lies underneath those pants when panning the camera outside her body.
 The bracelet and necklace are pretty much the same mesh just re-fitted to fit the neck as opposed to the wrist. This is a VERY simple accessory. I wanted to make a simple necklace that I've always wanted to, but I'll save that for another set I have in mind.  These accessories were made taking the simplest of steps. Selecting the wrist and taking a two loop sets from there, duplicating them and then resizing them. After that, I took 3 primitives, the cube, the sphere, and the cone, and just placed them around the loop and called it an accessory. Gave them that glow and I'm al set.

 The tops, was something I've always wanted to make but never needed to. While simple, this time provides minimal coverage of the breast yet tight enough to be convincing that it's a good fit. Though, I can assume if there was a big Areola mod for Oblivion (I'd love to know if there is personally) then it will peak from the tight fitting shirt.

Thoughts and feedback are always welcome.



  1. I'll be eagerly waiting for the moment those gems will be released.
    Thanks for the preview!

    1. Thank you for your comment as well. I do hope it is enjoyable upon release!
